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Trailer: Introducing The Adventures of a Birth Photographer Podcast
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Join me, your host Jo Robertson, as I begin this podcasting journey with you. This is a taster of all the good things to come with a touch of humour added at the end – Be sure to Subscribe to the Podcast to make sure you never miss an episode! In this short introduction trailer, I’ll be covering my plans for the podcast, letting you know who I am and why I love all things birth and birth photography. If birth is your jam, welcome aboard my friend!
Episode 35: Tips For When You’re 37 Weeks Pregnant!
In today’s episode, I’m sharing an abundance of tips that you can implement when you’re 37 weeks pregnant.
You do not need to do them all, just take the ones that tick your hell yeah I’m totally doing that one -Tips range from batch cooking through to baby showers and more. It’s a short but loaded one and if you know anyone who’d benefit from knowing these tips too – share the love and pass this episode on to them!
Enjoy my lovely listeners!!
Show Notes:
Episode 3 – Ways to make your Postpartum Easier!
Book – The First 40 Days by Heng Ou
Maternity Session with Me
A Mother Blessing Ceremony
Episode 32 – How to make your hospital birth more homely
Danielle Fox Doula & AquaNatal Teacher, Cardiff, South Wales
Blog – Swiming Pool Tips!
Episode 34: The Experimental Freestyle Episode!
Welcome to an experimental freestyle episode of the podcast!
Experimental as in, I just chat with you unscripted about what’s been happening in my world the last couple of weeks.
I hope you enjoy it!!
Show Notes:
Blurry Photos Here
London Reel Right Here
Link to The Complete Naked Doula Experience Course
Link to The Naked Doula Visual Hypno-Birth Course
Episode 33: Talks With Angella About Birthing Twins During The Pandemic!
Welcome to episode 33, where I invited Angella on the show to share her pregnancy, twin birth and postpartum journey during the pandemic and lockdowns in November 2020.
Angella’s story tells of the hardship and reality of what it was like to be pregnant and give birth during the height of the pandemic and how using hypnobirthing helped enormously. I’m sure her story will resonate with so many who experienced a similar situation.
We also touch on the Black Lives Matter movement and how she answered a Model Call of mine which also highlights the incredible work that FiveXMore are doing. We discuss what it was like working with me and why she answered my model call. The model call is still open – please see the link below to my blog: Why Representation and Inclusivity Matters.
Angella also shares her other businesses which include photography and we also chatted about her recent involvement in a book called Dear Mum. There is SO MUCH in this episode!!
Show Notes:
Find Angella on Instagram: @shecanbirthing // @busylittleletters
Photography: @photographybyangella // https://photographybyangella.mypixieset.com
My Model Call is still Active: Go Here To Read & Apply
Dear Mum – As part of the Dear series: @_ladiesinwaiting
Dear Mum follows the journey of 11 mums and their personal experiences of becoming mothers. This book explores Joy, Love and astonishing testimonies. This book does not just cover the beautiful memories during pregnancy but explores fear, anxiety and discord. Follow their incredible and magnificent journeys for no story is the same.
Visit : @fivemore_ // https://www.fivexmore.com/blackmereport
Other Fab Resources Mentioned: Kemi Johnson // Mars Lord // Lorna’s Black Mamas Birth Village
Episode 32: Tips To Make Your Hosptial Birth More Homely!
Welcome to episode 32 which is a quick-ish one that walks you through some tips to make your hospital birth more homely, using the 5 senses!
There’s some brilliant tips throughout this episode, so be sure to have a notepad and pen handy to scribble down a bunch of notes.
If you’re planning a hospital birth or your home birth plans have changed last minute, this episode might come in handy!
Using a comb during labour – Go Here!
Essential Oils list for labour – Go Here!
Using The BRAIN tool – Read this Blog!
Episode 31: Talks With Private Midwife Clarice Johnstone!
My guest on this week’s episode is the fabulous Clarice Johnstone who’s a Private Homebirth Midwife that resides in Whitsunday in Australia. In this episode we cover soooooo MUCH – it’s a juicy one.
We chat about the rise in first-time mums opting to have homebirths since the pandemic and Clarice shares a super tip for any first-time mums considering having a home birth. Clarice also shares each of her babies’ birth stories which include twins!
There are lots of honest conversations around Hospital vs Home births that I think you’ll find interesting. I also ask the question WHY home births in particular?
This is such a lovely open conversation that I think you’ll enjoy it as much as I did – Hit play and enjoy.
Show Notes:
Visit Clarices Website: https://www.midwifeclarice.com/
Follow Clarice on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/midwifeclarice/?hl=en-gb
Follow Clarice on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/midwifeclarice
Links we shared on the show:
Article Midwifery Shortage in the UK
Home Birth Stats
Friedmans Curve
AIMS Birth Place Matters
Private Midwives
Neighbourhood Midwives
Independent Midwives UK
Association of Radical Midwives
Episode 30: How Much Is It Going To Cost?
The number ONE thing most people want to know when they visit my website – Is How Much?
In this short episode, I share with you why I choose to have my starting price on my website and why it’s important to me that it’s there for you to see.
This is a quick one that just might resonate with you too. I’d love to know which camp you’re in?
Show Notes:
All links below are mentioned in this episode:
Shower Session // Epiosde 5 // Epiosde 29 // My Prices // My Instgram // YouTube
Episode 29: Talks With Julia Martins About The History of Childbirth!
Welcome to this EPIC episode where I invited Julia Martins to the show to talk about the history of childbirth. Julia is in her final-year PhD at Kingβs College London. Her thesis is about the translation of βsecrets of womenβ from Italian into French and English in the 16th and 17th centuries, and how the circulation of knowledge about sex and reproduction shaped the way the sexed body was understood.
In this episode find out what recipe books have to do with childbirth, what traditions from the past are still practised in childbirth today, what gossip is and a whole bunch of superstitions and old wives’ tales.
We also chat about giving birth as a Royal, about midwives through history, moon cycles and what exactly are the secrets of women?
If you love history and birth this episode is the perfect combo – Julia was such a fabulous guest to have on the show and her knowledge is inspiring! I can not thank her enough for chatting with me and we easily could have talked for much longer than we did!
Take a long drive, take a long hot bath or just have a laydown and push play – you’ll love this one as much as I do!
Show Notes:
Explore Julias Website: Secrets of Women
Hop on Julias Wonderful Newsletter: HERE
Follow Julia on Twitter HERE
Being Human Festival
Hilary Mantel – Royal Bodies Essay
Birth Undisturbed – Royal Blood by Natalie Lennard
Episode 28: Talks With Who?
Hello and welcome to episode 28 which is a quick recap of all the people I have interviewed on the show so far. I share what I loved about each of them and give a quick breakdown of the conversations that were had.
If you’re new to the show and would like to know who I’ve had talks with – this is the episode for you. AND If you missed any interviews, this will help you out!
It’s been lovely to look back on all the conversations I’ve had and I’m looking forward to all the future ones to come.
It’s a short-un, but a useful one!
Show Notes:
My Brave Reel on Instagram
Blog: Utlan Surrogacy Birth Here
Quick Episode Links: ep: 6 // ep: 11 // ep: 16 // ep: 20 // ep: 25 // ep: 26 // ep: 27
Episode 27: Talks About Motherhood Poetry With Bec-Ellis!
I love poetry, it’s been something I have turned to for as far back as I can remember. In honour of that love, I invited Bec-Ellis, a poet and photographer to the show to share her poetry, her creative process and what inspires her to write.
This is such a beautiful episode where Bec reads aloud a few of her favourites poems that are so relatable and in tune with Mothering. What is echoed in her words is raw and beautifully authentic. We touch on all things Motherhood, the release of her new book “A Mother Carries” and her photography.
This is such an inspiring episode that will touch you deeply. Enjoy…
Find Bec-Ellis on Instagram Here!
Visit Bec-Ellis’s Website Here!
Her New Book of Poems A Mother Carries
Ethan Hawk “Give Yourself Permission to Be Creative” YouTube Talk
Episode 26: Talks With Saffia Farr – Editor of Juno Magazine!
I’m delighted that my guest Saffia Farr editor of Juno Magazine said yes to coming on the podcast to talk all about Juno!
In this special episode, Saffia takes us on a journey of how Juno began for her and reveals what she loves about the magazine. We touch on my Birth in Pictures column and how that came to be, plus the array of articles published inside Juno on a bi-monthly basis. We also share how Juno is more than just a magazine.
If this is the first time you’ve heard of Juno, I recommend listening in on our chat and then taking some time to explore Juno’s website. Discover more and find inspiration for gentle parenting, sustainable living, well-being and community. It was so wonderful to meet and chat with Saffia and I can’t thank her enough for her time. I think you’ll enjoy this little insight into Juno – Push play and enjoy.
Show notes:
Visit Juno Magazine Here
Find Juno on Instagram Here
Find Juno on Facebook Here
Back Issues Here
Gift Packs & Subscriptions Here
Episode 25: Talks With Erika Townend All About Hypnobirthing!
If you’re planning on using Hypnobirthing for your up and coming birth or wanting to look into it a little more. This episode is PERFECT for you!
In it, I chat with my long time friend Erika Townend who has been teaching the practice of Hypnobirthing for many years. Erika breaks down what hypnobirthing is, the benefits of using it at birth and details about courses available. Erika is softly spoken and so knowledgeable, she was a sheer joy to have on the show!
Erika is also a Doula and Birth Photographer – If hypnobirthing has been on your radar, I think you’ll enjoy this episode. Tune in
Visit: Erikas Website
Visit: Erikas Instagram
Visit: Erikas Facebook page
Mentions on the show:
Book: Hypnobirthing The Original Method by Michelle LeClaire O’Neill
Juno Magazine: Issue 75
Episode 24: The Birth Pool Conundrum – To Hire or Buy?
If you’re thinking of using a birth pool this episode just might be able to help. In it, I investigate the conundrum of whether you might like to hire or buy a birth pool. I list some items you’ll need and list some suppliers for you to take a look at plus a bunch of other stuff!
It’s worth listening to if you are questioning what to do – Shall I Hire or Buy a Birth Pool?
Thanks for pushing play, enjoy
Blog: Everything You Want Know About Getting a Birth Pool
Birth Pool In a Box (UK)
La Bassine Birth Pools (UK)
Gentle Births Birth Pool Hire (UK)
Barefoot Birth Pools (UK)
Birth Supplies, Your Birth, Your Way (Sam Gadsden South Wales, UK)
FaceBook Home Birth Support Group (UK)
Podcast Ep13. A Savvy List For Your Home Birth
Episode 23: What’s Occurring in 2022?
Hello and Happy New Year, it’s good to be back!
In this brand new episode, I’ll share with you my plans for the year ahead (there is lots!) and just generally have a catch up with you.
If you are curious about what’s occurring in 2022 – you might want to push play!
Show Notes:
Link to get my Newsletter Here!
Link to read more Blogs Posts Here!
Link to read more Google Reviews Here!
Link To Book Me To Document Your Birth – Go Here!
Link to Instagram so you don’t miss a thing!
Episode 22: Tackling Common Birth Photography Objections!
Welcome to episode 22 of the podcast, where I delve into the five main objections I hear when it comes to taking the plunge and hiring a birth photographer.
They include the BIGGY – Expense and a few others that might resonate with you. It’s not a long episode but one I think you’ll enjoy.
Show notes:
Link to Listen Ep17: What’s On-Call Life Actually Like?
Lexia Frank Photography: http://www.lexiafrank.com/
Link to Listen to Ep9: In Their Own Words!
Blog: Birth Photography – Whose Voice Are You Listening to?
Episode 21: Did You Know I’m A Doula Too?
Welcome to episode 21. In this episode, I share all about what made me decide to become a Doula alongside my birth photography.
And it all started in a Yurt, in Pembrokeshire – Listen in to find out more.
I also share how I help as a doula and how I merged birth photography & support.
Show notes:
Episode 20: Talks About The Birth Rites Collection: https://podcasts.apple.com/is/podcast/ep-20-talks-about-the-birth-rites-collection/id1532932905?i=1000539880153
Link to The Positive Wellbeing Zine: https://isabellaandus.com/positive-wellbeing-zine-shop/selfcarezine-issue14
Link To See The Two Images That Won Silver Awards: https://www.instagram.com/p/CV5VgNKM-Xi/?utm_medium=copy_link
Link to Samara Hawthorn – WellMama: https://www.wellmama.world/who-we-are
Find a Doula Near You: Nurturing Birth & Doula UK
Birth Photography & Doula Offerings
Episode 20: Talks About The Birth Rites Collection
Welcome to episode 20 β On this week’s episode, I’m thrilled to be joined by Helen Knowles who’s an artist and the curator of the Birth Rites Collection and also Hermione Wiltshire who’s also an artist and the co-head of a photography program at the Royal College of Art.
In this episode, I invited both Helen and Hermione to tell me all about how the Birth Rites Collection was born and about the works that reside within it.
The Birth Rites Collection is one of the largest collections of contemporary artwork dedicated to childbirth in the world. During our chat, we also touched on the topic of the censorship of childbirth and the public’s reactions to some of the work.
We also cover how the pandemic has forced the tours to go online and how they are now available to a much wider audience. The link to book virtual tours is in the show notes.
If you have a combined love of birth and art β this is definitely one to tune into!
Show Notes
The Birth Rites Collection Website: https://www.birthritescollection.org.uk/
The BRC Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/birthritescollection/
Helen Knowles Artwork: Youtube Portraits – https://www.birthritescollection.org.uk/the-collection-1/helen-knowles
Hermione Wiltshire Artwork: Therese in Ecstatic Childbirth – https://www.birthritescollection.org.uk/the-collection-1/hermione-wiltshire
The winner of the 2020 BRC competition was Marta Stysiak for her work titled β Badland. There is a Premiere of Marta’s Stysiak film called ‘Come Home’ follow the link for details: https://www.birthritescollection.org.uk/events/premiere-of-come-home-a-documentary-film-by-marta-stysiak
Information and how to book up and coming Virtual Tours of the collection: https://www.birthritescollection.org.uk/tours
Works We Touched on During the Podcast:
Private View by Liv Pennington – https://www.birthritescollection.org.uk/the-collection-1/liv-pennington
Islands of Blood and Longing by Tabitha Moses – https://www.birthritescollection.org.uk/the-collection-1/tabitha-moses
A Massive Nothing by Claire Lawrie – https://www.birthritescollection.org.uk/the-collection-1/claire-lawrie
A Link with the Past by Billie Bond – https://www.birthritescollection.org.uk/the-collection-1/billie-bond
Podcast Cover by: Belinda Kochanowska, In Utero, 2014, Archival Pigment Prints, 60 x 60 cm. Courtesy of the artist and Birth Rites Collection β https://www.birthritescollection.org.uk/more-works/belinda-kochanowska You can also find more of Belinda’s work on Instagram: https://instagram.com/belindakochanowska
Episode 19: What’s The B.R.A.I.N Tool?
In this weeks episode, I’m talking you through how you can use the B.R.A.I.N tool to make informed decisions during labour and birth.
It’s a quickie and will be well worth your time.
I also briefly fill you in on what I’ve been up to including doing a recent virtual tour of The Birth Rites Collection.
Subscribe so you never miss an episode!
Show Notes:
The Birth Rites Collection: https://www.birthritescollection.org.uk/
Jump on My Email List to get the heads up on anything I’m doing, making, watching, reading, loving (you get the picture!!): https://lillian-craze-birth-photography.ck.page/b05dd651bc
Episode 18: For Jasper, Your Birth Story!
Welcome to episode 18 of the podcast and this one is another personal one. My youngest son Jasper turned fourteen this week and I thought this would be the perfect time to record your birth story!
I talk about choosing to birth him at home, how quick it was and how lovely it was to be at home. I also touch on a super popular tv series that was on at the time my contractions began!
Show Notes:
You can listen to Oskars birth story, episode 10 by clicking here: https://podcasts.apple.com/is/podcast/ep10-for-oskar-your-birth-story/id1532932905?i=1000523127464
What TV show was HEROES? Find Out Here: https://www.imdb.com/video/vi176667929?playlistId=tt0813715&ref_=vp_rv_0
Finally, I did nothing with my placenta which is a big regret, here are 16 remarkable things you can do with yours: https://lcrazebirthphotography.co.uk/16-remarkable-things-you-can-do-with-your-placenta/
Episode 17: What’s On-Call Life Actually Like?
Hello and welcome to this short episode where I attempt to explain what being on-call actually feels like.
I also share the top 5 thoughts that enter my brain whilst on a call and give an insight into how I prepare to go on call for potentially 4+ weeks at a time.
It’s only a quicky this week!
Show Notes:
Listen to Episode 16 if you haven’t already it’s a plethora of resources all about breast/chestfeeding as I interviewed Lisa Thompson: Listen Here: https://podcasts.apple.com/is/podcast/ep-16-talks-with-lisa-thompson-breast-chestfeeding/id1532932905?i=1000533051474
Blog post 20 Honest thoughts while on call as a birth photographer: Click the link: https://lcrazebirthphotography.co.uk/20-honest-thoughts-while-on-call-for-a-birth/
Episode 16: Talks With Lisa Thompson – Breast/Chestfeeding Expert Extraordinaire!
If you’re planning on breast/chestfeeding or are currently on a breast/chestfeeding journey this episode is worth your TIME!
I invited Lisa Thompson (a fellow welsh birth worker) to the show to chat about her expertise and she generously shares so many amazing resources and tips. Topics also include Tandem feeding and Expressing.
Favourite quote from the show was: “It’s a way to continue growing their baby in a beautiful way”
We also chat about the most common myths and old wives tales associated with breast/chestfeeding and touch on neural pathways!
Find some quiet time and grab a notepad & pen and then hit PLAY!
Here’s how you can find/work with Lisa:
Website: www.womenareamazing.co.uk
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/growbirthfeedevolve
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/growbirthfeedevolve/
Show Notes & Links:
IBCLC Directory: https://lcgb.org/find-an-ibclc/
National Breastfeeding Helpline: 0300 100 0212, 09:30-21:30 daily: https://www.nationalbreastfeedinghelpline.org.uk/
La Leche League online groups: https://www.laleche.org.uk/find-lll-support-group/
Association of Breastfeeding Mothers (very reasonable online course to help get ready for breastfeeding): https://abm.me.uk/
Articles relating to things we discussed:
Tandem feeding: https://www.laleche.org.uk/tandem-nursing/
Expressing (KellyMom is a good resource generally): https://kellymom.com/ages/newborn/nb-challenges/maintainsupply-pump/
Amy Brown’s ‘The Positive Breastfeeding Book’: https://www.pinterandmartin.com/the-positive-breastfeeding-book
La Leche League’s ‘The Womanly art of Breastfeeding’: https://www.pinterandmartin.com/the-womanly-art-of-breastfeeding
Breast Crawl Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l64urwnOaWs
PLUS BONUS FREE downloadable Breast/Chestfeeding Audios: https://www.kghypnobirthing.com/hypnobirthing-free-resources/world-breastfeeding-week-free-download.html
Episode 15: Things I Found On Insta During World Breastfeeding Week!
Just a bite-size one for you today – August 1-7th celebrated world breastfeeding week and I thought I’d gather a few of my favourite Insta finds and share them with you in this episode.
I share tips from various accounts about breastfeeding/chestfeeding support, expressing milk, storing milk and much more. Hit play and tune in.
Show Notes:
Insta accounts and posts mentioned on the show:
@thebirthuprising –https://www.instagram.com/p/CSRWkbIDvIB/?utm_medium=copy_link
@mommysbundle – https://www.instagram.com/p/CSNGsx6tobk/?utm_medium=copy_link
@thebumptobabychapter –https://www.instagram.com/p/CSMW7EJj_fy/?utm_medium=copy_link
@theecomidwife – https://www.instagram.com/p/CR5vGYwMcOi/?utm_medium=copy_link
@rosemothethood – https://www.instagram.com/p/CQ98vkKDo0N/?utm_medium=copy_link
Artwork by @laurenjturberfineart –https://www.instagram.com/p/CSM1xq5Nhk_/?utm_medium=copy_link
@breastfeedingart –https://www.instagram.com/p/CR6fqqVMAAt/?utm_medium=copy_link
My Insta Reel @southwales_birthphotographer
Episode 14: Birth Plan in 5 Steps Minus The Overwhelm!
Have you written your birth plan? Maybe you’re unsure where to start or what to include?
Don’t worry, I’ve got you…
Tune into this super quick but informative episode where I share a heap of things you might like to consider adding to your birth plan. Plus if you’re more of a creative, I also cover using a visual birth plan instead.
Hit play…
Show Notes:
Vitamin K Book – Dr Sarah Wickham: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Vitamin-K-Newborn-Sara-Wickham/dp/1999806409
Episode 3 – Ways To Make Your Postpartum Easier: https://podcasts.apple.com/is/podcast/ep3-ways-to-make-your-postpartum-easier/id1532932905?i=1000508467964
Leave Apple Review: https://lcrazebirthphotography.co.uk/podcast-review/
Episode 13: A Savvy List For Your Home Birth!
Hello and a warm welcome to episode 13 of the podcast. Are you planning a home birth and wondering what items you’ll need?
Fear Not, I’ve got you covered in this weeks episode!
I list items that you will need, things that are nice to have and a few things you might consider having, some might surprise you.
Grab a pen and paper and hit play!
Show Notes:
Join my email list and get a free Ebook to help you prepare for birth: https://lillian-craze-birth-photography.ck.page/e1581265ae
Everything you want to know about getting a birth pool blog: https://lcrazebirthphotography.co.uk/everything-you-want-to-know-about-getting-a-birth-pool/
A blog post about using a comb during labour: https://birthplace.com.au/using-a-comb-during-labour/
Affiliate link: Get a 10 % discount on a TENS machine when you use the code 10LILLIANCRAZE and go here: https://babycaretens.com/?afmc=10LILLIANCRAZE
Blog Post this Episode was about + see some LUSH images!: https://lcrazebirthphotography.co.uk/a-savvy-list-of-things-for-your-home-birth/
Episode 12: What Sensory Experience Will I Feel From A Digital File?
Hello and welcome to episode 12 of the podcast – A not so birthy one today BUT an important one if you have a pile of images on your phone and they aren’t backed up.
I ask why aren’t we printing our photos and what effect that will have on the next generation. Also: Why your photographer is always trying you sway you into buy prints and wall art.
I uncover some unexpected facts and give you a whole host of marvellous ideas you can do with the images you print out – You’ll like ’em & your children will love ’em!
Enjoy Folks!
Blog: https://lcrazebirthphotography.co.uk/digital-files/
Let Me Edited Your Mobile Phone Birth Images (discount available) : https://lcrazebirthphotography.co.uk/product/worldwide-mobile-phone-birth-pictures-edited/
Episode 11: Talks With Antonia & Sean – Clients Extraordinaire!
You’ll need to find time to tune in to this episode for just 37 minutes – it’s a great one! We chat about Antonia being a Midwife, being a Surrogate and the home birth of Una in the middle of a pandemic!
Having both of them on the show giving their unique perspective on their birth story, having it documented and what the images mean to them, was golden. I ask all the questions you’d be curious about.
This was such a lovely interview and chatting with them both give me Goosebumps! Be warned – it might give you goosebumps too! Thank you, Antonia & Sean.
Show Notes & Links:
Blog – Ultan Surrogacy Story: https://lcrazebirthphotography.co.uk/ultans-epic-surrogacy-birth-story/
Surrogacy UK: https://surrogacyuk.org/
Shower Maternity Shots: https://lcrazebirthphotography.co.uk/maternity-shower-sessions/
Episode 10: For Oskar, Your Birth Story!
Hello and welcome to a very personal episode of the podcast. In this episode, I share my son Oskars birth story. It’s been recorded so that he has a place to come and hear about the day he came into my life.
I talk about where I was giving birth and how taking pethidine meant that huge chunks of my birth were lost. Luckily, my husband was on hand to fill in the gaps. It’s a personal memory capsule that I wanted to share with you too.
Show Notes & Links:
Blog: A Mega List of Pregnancy & Birth Podcasts Out-There – Click below
Link to hop on my email list to keep in touch once a fortnight:
Episode 9: In Their Own Words!
Don’t take my word for it – In today’s episode, I share with you a few reviews I have received over the years. I share this with you so that you can hear what working with me has actually been like for others.
86% of people these days read reviews BEFORE they make a purchasing decision. I read out reviews from Women and Men which I think might interest you!
Tune in to this 20 ish minute episode – I think you’ll like it!
Show Notes:
Blog: https://lcrazebirthphotography.co.uk/dads-spill-the-beans-about-birth-photography/
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=lillian+craze+birth+photography
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/lilliancrazebirthphotography/
Episode 8: Super Useful Questions To Ask A Birth Photographer!
Welcome to episode 8 – – > Are you thinking of hiring a birth photographer? If so, then this handy list of super useful questions to ask has been made with you in mind!
In this bitesize episode, I’ve rounded up some of the most important questions to ask a birth photographer your considering hiring. From, what happens if you miss the birth to, will my images be shared online?
Hit Play to find out what else to ask.
Show Notes:
The Blog Mentioned: https://lcrazebirthphotography.co.uk/15-questions-to-ask-a-birth-photographer/
Write to Me: [email protected]
Follow Me over on the Insta-Grams: https://www.instagram.com/southwales_birthphotographer
Episode 7: Becoming A Birth Photographer – How It All Started!
Welcome to episode 7, let me take you back in time to where it all began for me as a Birth Photographer.
I get asked “How did you get into birth photography” all the time, so I thought I’d record this episode and fill you in.
In it, I share how difficult it was in the beginning to find someone who’d let me capture their birth and how that 1st birth profoundly changed me. It’s a shortish but insightful episode, hit play and join me.
Make a Human Connection:
Instructions to leave an Apple Review: lcrazebirthphotography.co.uk/podcast-review/
Contact Me: https://lcrazebirthphotography.co.uk/contact/
Find Me on Insta:https://www.instagram.com/southwales_birthphotographer
Episode 6: Talks With Eva Rose – Birth Photographer Extraordinaire!
Ooo, this is a GOOD one!!
Welcome to episode 6 of the Podcast where I interview my very first guest on the show, Eva Rose. Eva is a beautiful Norweigian birth photographer and Doula who is doing incredible things in the birth world.
I can’t wait for you to sit back and listen to this hour-long episode where we deep dive into ALL THE THINGS!! We talk about her Birth Around The World Tour, the effects of COVID, documenting her sister’s birth, and soooooo much more >> You’ll have to tune in!
I’ve been friends with Eva for what feels like the longest time via Instagram and we were fortunate enough to meet up with one another last year, which was amazing!
Enjoy Lovely Listeners…
Show Notes:
Take a look at Eva’s Birth Around The World Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2bNXtPREZI
The MOST beautiful video – The Birth of Perdy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=biwfL9IPi_4
ABC Birth Centre Oslo, Norway Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/abcfodeous/
Eva’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/evarosebirth/?hl=en
Eva’s Book – Fodsel: http://trinedahlman.com/our-roots
More Information about Obstetric Fistulas & ways to help: https://fistulafoundation.org/how-to-help/
Episode 5: My Theory About Shower Maternity Shots!
A warm welcome to Episode 5 of the Podcast! Today I’m sharing my theories about why my shower maternity shots have become soooooooo popular! I share what I love about them and give a little insight into what to expect if you ever fancied a session yourself.
I touch on comfort levels and how taking a shower naked is the most natural thing in the world. There’s also a sweet surprise at the end to celebrate International Women’s Day.
I think you’ll enjoy this one – Go for it…
Show Notes:
Watch a Video of me chatting to a client about her shower maternity
session: https://lcrazebirthphotography.co.uk/maternity-sessions-south-wales-uk/
As always the BEST place to find me is Insta: https://www.instagram.com/southwales_birthphotographer/?hl=en
Episode 4: There Was This One Time & Other Stories!
Welcome to episode 4 of the Podcast. Today’s episode is a little different – – > Come and listen in on 5 unique true stories that have happened to me over the course of almost five years! I’ve picked some of the most memorable tales to share with you.
There’s a touch of humor, some embarrassing moments, and one situation that caused me to fall to my knees sobbing (this tale almost broke me!!)
Hit Play!
Links mentioned:
Instructions to leave an Apple Review: lcrazebirthphotography.co.uk/podcast-review/
Contact Me: https://lcrazebirthphotography.co.uk/contact/
Find Me on Insta Here: https://www.instagram.com/southwales_birthphotographer
Episode 3: Ways To Make Your Postpartum Easier!
Show Notes:
Welcome to episode 3 of the Podcast, today I’m talking all about postpartum. Planning for your postpartum can often get overlooked or neglected. In this short episode, I’m sharing a bunch of easy suggestions to make your postpartum time a little easier.
I’ll be covering how preparing for this time is just as important as preparing for birth and how pre-cooking and batching meals will save you time. I also touch on establishing boundaries and how to be much gentler to yourself after birth.
Just hit play – – > Enjoy!
Links Mentioned in Todays Episode:
Recipe Ideas: https://diaryofafitmommy.com/15-freezer-meals-before-your-baby-arrives/
Etsy for Postpartum Kits: https://www.etsy.com/uk/market/postpartum_kit
Spritz Your Bitz: https://myexpertmidwife.com/collections/new-mum-and-newborn
Make a Human Connection: My Letters From Me To You:
Find Me on Insta Here: https://www.instagram.com/southwales_birthphotographer
Episode 2: Remarkable Things You Can Do With Your Placenta!
Show Notes:
Welcome to Episode 2 of the Podcast. In today’s episode, I’ll be exploring some of the remarkable things you can do with your placenta, from consuming it to making a print from it!
Some things might even surprise you, they surprised me, particularly the last one! This is a quick little episode that’ll give you plenty of ideas about what to do with your placenta. It’s loosely based on a blog I wrote a while ago. I’ll leave a link to the blog below as it’s crammed with hyperlinks to all the things I mention.
Thanks for hitting play!
Blog with all the hyperlinks:
Make a Human Connection: Sign-up to Receive My Letters From Me To You:
Find Me on Insta Here: https://www.instagram.com/southwales_birthphotographer
Episode 1: How Looking At Birth Can Actually Help You!
Show Notes:
Welcome to Episode 1 of the Podcast. I’ll be sharing how looking at images of birth can actually help you prepare for birth. I’ll also briefly take you back in time and then zoom you back into the present day to tell you how far we’ve come!
I’ll be sharing some awesome Instagram accounts for you to lookup, the BEST accounts for birth photography in the world. (in my humble opinion) You’ll have so much to think about after hearing this episode. I hope it’ll give you a whole bunch of ideas!
Links Mentioned in this Episode:
Wait For White: https://waitforwhite.com/
Birth Becomes You: https://www.instagram.com/birthbecomesyou/
Gather Birth: https://www.instagram.com/gatherbirth/
Eva Rose: https://www.instagram.com/evarosebirth/
Birth in Pictures eBook – Access it here: https://lillian-craze-birth-photography.ck.page/e1581265ae
Find Me on Insta Here: https://www.instagram.com/southwales_birthphotographer