I've not written a blog in a while so I figured I'd come back with some helpful info about using a Tens Machine. I have attended many births where a...Read More
To answer that question, why not listen to three different women's birth experiences. Hear first-hand what it was like having me there taking photographs. I've uploaded these videos to my...Read More
Answering the question: What is the BRAIN tool was promoted by a conversation I recently had with one of my clients. When discussing her birth plans and preferences, I mentioned...Read More
Here are 20 honest thoughts while on call for a birth that I've had over the years. Let me start by saying (don't go) this is not a rant or...Read More
What's the most FAQ's about hiring a birth photographer? I'll let you know via this handy blog that you can digest at your leisure! What's reassuring about each of these...Read More
What happened at this home birth wasn't planned or discussed prior to me documenting it. It just happened. Let me transport you back to March this year, to a beautiful,...Read More
Below you'll find 15 super useful questions you should be asking a birth photographer before you book! So, you've decided you want to have your birth photographed (fabulous!) and now...Read More
When it comes to birth photography, whose voice are you listening to? I get it. Really, I get it. You've just stumbled upon birth photography and now you love it!!...Read More
I've gathered an eye-opening collection of testimonials whereby dads spill the beans about birth photography. Often when the word birth & photography are combined the usual response is "why would...Read More