Don't take my word for it, take the word of the dads who have gone before you!
"When my wife first mentioned getting a birth photographer I raised an internal eyebrow and said something neutral enough to give my brain time to kick in and stop my mouth from saying what I was actually thinking".
"Fast forward a couple of months and asking Jo to capture one of the greatest days of our lives is one of the best decisions we made. So much happens that you don’t see. So much happens that you see but will never remember. And while you think you can remember, Jo’s photographs capture the atmosphere, the details and the emotion that your sleep-deprived and overloaded brain just can’t hope to deal with".
"You wouldn’t think twice about getting a photographer for your wedding so don’t think twice about asking Jo to be your birth photographer. The only newborn photos I’ve ever shown of my son are photos that Jo took. I look back at my remarkably crappy iPhone photos of when my daughter was born and I just wish we’d met Jo sooner. Your mates may give you some banter for having a birth photographer; let them do it. As a dad who loves his kids, this is the best way to capture an amazing part of your life".

"I had never heard of birth photography until my partner introduced me to it during our pregnancy, and until seeing Jo’s work I would never have considered having someone photograph our birth story. Four months later, Jo drove across 2 countries to join us and photograph our birth and I am so glad she did!"
"I can’t imagine Jo not being there now, she made me and my partner Natalie feel very at ease. She was calming, reassuring and helpful yet at times we would forget she was there! I can't explain just how special it was to have her with us for the birth of my son Devon, but his middle name is Jo if that helps put it into perspective!"
"I will admit I was very sceptical. "Will there be too many people?" "Will we lose some of the intimacy?" "Will I be able to be myself and support my wife while knowing I'm being photographed?" "What will the photos be like and will it be weird?". All of these questions came to mind.
However, I had no reason to fear, by the end of our first face-to-face meeting and maternity shoot I was absolutely convinced we had made the right choice. Jo is a lovely person and felt instantly like part of the family.
The photos of our birth are absolutely stunning and I can't thank Jo enough for that, they are so natural and beautiful and we will treasure them forever. My only regret is not having Jo there for our first child.
But this only tells half the story of why you need her at your birth. She brings a wonderful calming atmosphere which just spreads through everyone around her. Far from feeling uncomfortable as I first feared I actually felt more relaxed and able to focus on Keri because Jo was there. She went above and beyond being our birth photographer by entertaining Rosie, heating the birth pool, fetching towels, and then to top it all off she stayed to look after Rosie while I followed mum and baby to the hospital for a quick check-up. Once again relieving any stress and worry I may have had.
Jo will always be a part of our birth story and I am forever grateful for that I would urge anyone reading this to make her a part of yours"

"I wasn't a fan of having a birth photographer. I thought she would get in the way and spoil the intimacy. I am glad to report I was wrong. I didn't even realise she was there. She was discreet, and the end results were magnificent. It was incredible to look back on the most beautiful moment of my life, and even more so for my wife. I would recommend Jo in a heartbeat. What a beautiful, amazing and talented woman".
"We were lucky enough to have Jo document our home birth recently. There were 11 adults in the house, between family and midwives, so we're really impressed at how stealthy and un-intrusive Jo was. This meant that the most intimate and emotional moments were captured perfectly naturally. If it weren't for the incredible images that followed, I could easily forget there was a camera in the room. I can't recommend Lillian Craze enough"!
"In readiness for the arrival of our first boy, my wife was determined to arrange for a photographer to capture the main event. I had reservations from the moment she first mentioned the idea - I just couldn't understand why anyone would want to share the birth of their baby with a stranger, who'd probably end up getting in the way of the midwife whilst getting us to pose for photographs throughout the whole thing... How wrong was I! Jo was amazing, leading up to, throughout and even after the birth. She met with us well in advance of my wife's due date, reassuring us about what she would be doing during the delivery and asking us what we most wanted to be captured from the day".
She respected our boundaries completely. On the day, she arrived at our house so quickly, with all her equipment prepared and did a great job of calming my wife during the early stages. After a few photographs at home, Jo travelled to the hospital with us. During my wife's short labour, Jo was excellent. She was so supportive but also respected our space. She never asked either of us to move around so that she could get a certain shot, yet she still managed to capture each amazing moment - truly stunning work. The photographs she has since given us are remarkable. I am so glad we asked her to be a part of the experience and so grateful for what she has given us"!