Birth Photography – Whose voice are you listening to?

When it comes to birth photography, whose voice are you listening to?

I get it.

Really, I get it.

You’ve just stumbled upon birth photography and now you love it!!

I mean you’ve seriously fallen in love with it.  You can totally imagine yourself flicking through a stunning album and looking back at one of the most transformational days of your life. You smile to yourself and start to get a little bit more excited about the idea.

You decide to do a little bit more digging around and consult Google.

You’ve just taken the first step – hold on to this feeling.

As you float in and out of different websites, you find yourself sinking deeper and deeper into the idea of having a birth photographer.


You tell someone you’re thinking of hiring a birth photographer and they give you a funny look, the look that says “WHAT” (you know the one I mean!)

They can’t help but give you their opinion because a conversation about birth photography is an invitation to give their opinion (I guess?)

Doubt starts to sets in…

You begin to question everything and suddenly you find it hard to block out those negative comments you’ve just heard.

But you go back to those images online and you take another look, you find yourself unconsciously reaching down and touching your belly.

You decide, screw it, I’m going to find out a little bit more – so you make an enquiry.

Ooo, it’s a little bit more than you expected (you immediately think – this won’t go down to well in your defence)

You stumble upon a blog that asks is birth photography really worth the investment?

So what do you do?

Well, the way I see it, from here you have at least two choices.

Let me take you through each of them.

Scenario one:

You listen to those opinions and you choose not to hire a professional birth photographer. You tell yourself, it’s way too much money anyway and you’ve got a phone (which takes pretty decent pictures). You’ll just ask someone on the day to take some pictures instead. At least we’ll have something which is better than nothing, right?

You’ll eventually get round to printing the pictures to (won’t you?)

Scenario two:

You take the plunge and the moment your due date is secure, excitement sets in – you’ve got this covered! Your partner can relax and support you (he doesn’t have the pressure of remembering to take some pictures, let alone remembering to make sure the phone is charged!) You won’t have to bother anyone else to take few snaps either.

All those moments you spent hours looking at and falling in love with will all be captured for you.

The payment plans turned out to be a lifesaver too and you never anticipated becoming as close as you have to your photographer. While your busy enjoying motherhood your birth story is being taken care of and lovingly presented into a breathtaking album (so you don’t have to worry about getting anything printed either – bonus!!)

What’s your gut telling you now?

Listen to it, because this opportunity won’t be there again.

Wait, don’t go just yet…

Do you love Instagram? (particularly birth photography accounts) Then you’ll LOVE this!